What is Short Course and Long Course?

• Short Course:

  • Competition is held in a 25 yard pool and runs from September - March.
  • Championship meets start in February and depend on level which championship your swimmer is eligible to attend.
  • Unless it is stated “Qualifying times needed”, “Open to xyz groups” “Open to certain age +”, it is open to all swimmers

• Long Course:

  • Competition is held in a 50 meter pool and runs April - July.
  • Championship meets start in July and depend on level.
  • Unless it is stated “Qualifying times needed”, “Open to xyz groups” “Open to certain age +”, it is open to all swimmers

Swim Meet Sign Ups

Swim meets are found under "Team Events" on the Team Unify website. You can also download an app called "On Deck" to access your team unify from a mobile device. Use the same login as you do for team unify.
To Commit or Decline to Events

(Do NOT use mobile device, it does not always save/translate through)
1. Go to the Events & Competition Tab on the left hand bar on Team Unify
2. Select “Team Events”
3. Click on the event
4. Click “Attend or Decline”. Here you will also find where to put in a Note for any preferences you may have on events or stating any days you cannot attend.

  • Meets are typically 2-3 days. You do not have to attend all of the days. Place days you cannot attend in the “notes” section.
  • Be sure to pay attention to the deadline to commit to a meet which is found when you click on the event.
  • Do NOT pick events. Coaches pick events but you can put preference in the notes section. If you have been picking events in the past, please do not do this and utilize the “notes” section to let coaches know what you would like to swim. Sometimes meet files are incorrect and we need to upload a new one and it will wipe out anything you chose. Then we will not know who picked what. It also throws off our count if someone choses events then changes their commitment and declines prior to the deadline. The meets parents pick stay attached without us seeing, and we will be charged for those events.
  • The information you will need for a meet such as location, dates, anticipated warm up times per age group, breakdown of what day which events are, meet fees (look at swimmer surcharge plus how much per event) will always be listed in an uploaded PDF when you click on the meet. After you click on the meet header, scroll down and the attachment should be there. If it isn't, it may be too early and check back soon.
  • You do not directly pay the host team! Meet fees are deducted from your account on the billing cycle after the meet.
    Typically there will be 2 or 3 sessions of a meet each day
  • The entire team will not be there at the same time. The meet is run in sessions and at the discretion of the meet host.
  • This can always be found prior to committing on the meet .PDF mentioned above.
  • Due to Covid, we have had some meet separated even further.
  • Timelines seen on the PDF meet invite are approximate and subject to change once the host team receives entries. Final timelines are emailed out close to the event, as soon as we receive them.
  • Events are swam by age group and gender assigned by the host team. This can be divided with age groups in sets of 2 or larger. • i.e. 8&U, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, etc. OR 12&U, 13+
  • This means a 7 year old can be with a 12 year old in a heat and a 13 year old could be with an 18 year old
  • Heats are arranged by time, so once your child has times, they will be in heats with swimmers with like times. This can sometimes mean the ages are still mixed within the heats.

What To Expect at Meets

  • Swimmers should be inside of the location 15-20 mins before scheduled warm up time. This allows time to find a place to sit, get cap and goggles on and be ready to get behind designated lanes.
  • Don't forget to allow for time to park. Most places do have adequate parking lot space but there are times when you will need to park a little further out. Concession stands are making a comeback since Covid but pack healthy drinks and snacks accordingly
  • Swimmers should be behind the blocks or designated meeting spot with cap and goggles on 5 minutes prior to warm up time! Kids are expected to be ready! Heat sheets are usually emailed out.
  • Green and White Group: Please put your Childs events on their arm prior to warm ups or immediately following warm ups.
  • There is no clerk of course or zoo like summer meets have
  • There is usually a score board which will display the current event number and heat number to help you follow along
  • They usually announce current event and heat numbers
  • We will have a team area at each meet where kids and families can sit together
  • In most facilities, parents are not permitted on the pool deck and never behind the blocks, the timers do try their best to look for the swimmer and help them get up to the block but it is important the kids are learning to do this and they will learn with meet practice!
  • No photos can be taken behind the blocks. This is a Safe Sport rule for USA Swimming
  • Unlike summer league, there are not usually relays due to the timeline. When there are, we will let you know ahead of time
  • In between events make sure kids are hydrated, happy and will be ready for their next race!